My Visual Journal: 2019
This is my visual journal of my favorite memories from the past year.
2019 wasn’t easy: I had 4 different jobs, dealt with heartbreaks and disappointments, and invested hours in solitude to reflect and heal. I chose to commit to returning to self-love to rediscover who I really am, what I truly want in life, and how to live life more fearlessly.
Once you find the courage to face your lowest points, the weight of those struggles become the momentum for your growth. This is my letter of gratitude to myself, my family, and my friends who have been patiently waiting and supporting me as I learned to fall in love with life again.
2019 was excitingly transformative: I started writing and creating inspirational content, built an Asian-American community at my company, and landed makeup gigs with Dior and a Vietnamese-American philanthropic fashion brand for NYFW. Life just started flowing, and the universe finally rewarded me for doing the hard work.
Sometimes we vent too much about our struggles and not enough about our joys. So when you’re feeling down, don’t forget to look up. There’s beauty everywhere.
An Asian-American lifestyle content creator based in Brooklyn Heights.